Tuesday, June 21, 2005

على كورنيشك يا بلدى
ريحة الذرة المشوىوعيدان الفل
النسمة الحلوة
معطرة بريحة نيلك الأصيل
على كورنيشك يا بلدى
شفت ناس واقفين
منهم بيضحكوا
قلت يمكن مبسو طين,بمكن
جايز بيرسموا البسمة و هما مش قاصدين
شفت ناس واجمين
من بكرة خايفين
و اثنين احبة بيهمسوا
ببكرة بيحلموا
بيقولوا يمكن بكرة يكون احسن
على كورنيشك يا بلدى
ناس بصوت عالى بيصرخوا
اطفال من الجوع بيتالموا
ناس طيبين
بسطاء بس فاهمين
اطفال بالفل سارحين
مش لاقين شارين
اصل الناس حتى اللقمة مش لاقين
محدش قادر يشترى
و اهو كولو على بعضة بيفترى
شفت قارب جنب يخت
ناس ليها حظ و ناس ملهاش بخت
شفت نيلك
شفت قمرك
نيلك همسلى
متخفيش يا بنتى
قلت لة ازاى يا جدى
قال بكرة جاى
قلتلة مش يمكن اسوأ
قال متقلقيش
مصر قائمة
مصر جامدة
مصر صامدة
مصر صاحية و مش نائمة
مش ممكن يدوم الليل
مسلم و قبطى بيرفضوا الدخيل
مصر عارفة كل عميل
مصر مش ساكتة
مصر ابدا مش هتضيع
و ايامها اللى جاية هتبقى ربيع
مهما طال الضيق
الامل هيفتح كل طريق
مصر بنتى و كمان انتى
دمكوا من طينتى
مصر بتتكلم
بتصرخ صرخة
بتقول يا ولادى
متيئسوش و من بكرة متخفوش
بأيديكوا بكرة احلى
و الهم بكرة هيبقى ذكرى
على كورنيشك يا مصر
شفت كثير
شفت المعدم والفقير
كلهم بيحلموا ببكرة
كلهم نفسهم فى ضحكة
كلهم على كورنيشك يا مصر

Friday, June 17, 2005

the miracle of love
when your heart beats like it had never done before
when life suddnely becomes too sweet
when for love you open your hearts' door
when everything in your eyes become great
Speaking about love,well that could take ages and yet no words'd be enough.I tried expressing my views of love as much as I can .That's a sample of my writings about love.Though love deserves much more.

love and roses

Roses have always been one of the symbols of love,but have anyone thought of it the other way round?.
There is a saying that a relationship is like a rose,how long it lasts no-one knows.
I took a long look at a rose,watching it,so lovely,small,still a green immature petal,slowly it grows and its colour starts to show,then it turns to a lovely rose given by a lover to his beloved.

How wonderful,just like when two people meet for the first time their love gets born and starts growing like the petal to turn into a lovely rose in their hearts.

The rose will die one day but its smell and the memory of it would always be there.

Another petal might grow in the lovers hearts if they want to keep their love always alive and keep the rose always there.

Every rose has its thorns and every love has its hard times but with their hope,believe and faith in each other they would pass all the hard times and the rose would be kept in their hearts forever.

Love has the power to erase an awful past and start a new future.That is a call for everyone to hope for the rose.
Yes,love can be yours.
You will see it last.
To feel that love makes you sigh.Just hope and have the strength to keep it,to have it leave you would rather die.
Just hope and keep hoping that you have found that special rose only when and because you love and care for the one you chose.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Out of z believe that we should all try changing the world then here I'm trying to save children of z middel east n they really need it all kids so a loud scream to everyone who could help please do.For further info check: www.57357.com

the middel east cancer hospital for children

hand with hand
to build this hospital we'll all stand
pound over pound
kindness in hearts'll always be found
saving children's lives's our aim
after building this hospital those children life wont be the same